
Explore the culture, lifestyle, and excitement of studying abroad in Japan.

Study Abroad in Japan

With KCP International, you can earn more Japanese credit than you would in an entire year at your university. Plus, you can pick your start date!

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Immerse yourself in the heart of Tokyo with a wide variety of courses, flexible schedules and convenient packages you keep your experience easy!

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Read all about Japanese immersion learning and studying abroad. Check out our eZasshi archives for more articles!

Why I’m going back

KCP students during a class activity

Contributed by Humphrey Lena I began studying Japanese in 2006, at Bunker Hill Community College. My desire to experience Japan firsthand led me to the…
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Discover more of Japan

With KCP International, immerse yourself in the heart of Tokyo with a wide variety of courses, flexible schedules and convenient packages you keep your experience easy!

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A glimpse at my KCP time

Rachel Brown in a yukata

by Rachel Brown I loved my time in Tokyo with KCP.  Here are a few slices of my life then– Preparation before the speech contest….
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Life at KCP Photo-reportage series

KCP students during a tea ceremony

Part Two | “Living” Japanese culture Here’s a glimpse at some of the activities students try while at KCP International Japanese Language School. The Japanese…
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Get a free KCP T-shirt!

KCP t-shirt contest entry

Building community is important, wherever the opportunity arises.  So is passing on the things you’ve learned to succeed at KCP and life in Japan.  Help…
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